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Friday, September 2, 2011

How to Experience Life Inside the Cockpit With Modern Flight Simulator Games--- https://innovationsolutionlabs.blogspot.com

If you take a little time out of your busy schedule to look around you're sure to find several rockin' versions of flight simulator games online. The cockpit really is the heart of any plane flight simulator game. Whether you're ready to rock 'n roll with a little combat flight simulator 3 action or you want something a little calmer like an air tour of Italy through a Flight Simulator X demo game you are sure to find what you're looking for among the many different planes. One way to do this is by downloading on of the many excellent Flight Simulator X Demos and trying it out for yourself to see how the cockpits of various planes look and feel to you.

If you really want to make the most of your cockpit experience, however, there are things you can do that will help you get through the experience (we know how much you hate having fun and flying planes). Keep these great ideas in mind in order to truly make the most of your flight sim experience.

1) Invest in forced feedback yoke and pedals for your game. This is just one more way you can really put yourself in the cockpit. The more your game setup looks and feels like the "real deal" the more authentic the entire experience is likely to be for you. Forced feedback controllers allow you to feel the impact of bullets hitting your plane and even to feel the crash when your plane doesn't make it out intact. These bits and pieces of hardware can be costly but for the dedicated flight simulator x game player they are well worth every penny.
2) Life-like cockpit and equipment. No one wants to invest countless hours of time and attention into a game where their surroundings seem fake or off. At least this is the case when the goal of the game is to be as authentic as possible. You need to search around until you find a game that takes your role in the process seriously. Once that has been established you can get busy enjoying the great game play that's waiting for you.
3) Have a realistic physics engine. This is the key to excellent game play no matter what kind of airplane simulator games you're playing is how realistic the game really is. Airplanes don't blink out of existence when bullets are flying only to blink back in once the danger has passed. That would kind of take all the fun out of things. You don't want this to happen in the games you're choosing to invest your time playing either. Ask around. Play through a Flight Simulator X demo or two and be sure to read various Flight Simulator X reviews to make sure this is the game for you before you buy it.

It's the little things that matter most when you're trying to find the one thing that will hold your world – and the people you love most in it – apart. These are the things you want to look for above and beyond all that as you search for a great game for the kids to enjoy while traveling.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Bank of America shareholders have experienced huge losses in the past few weeks, and at around $6.15/share, BAC could very well be trading under $6 by next week. The recent sell-off can be attributed to the apparent fear and anger that investors have towards Bank of America. With all the media and analysts predicting doom and gloom for Bank of America, it is very easy to get sucked into the whirlwind of emotion surrounding this stock.
People Are Afraid
Everywhere you turn there is some analyst  say that Bank of America needs to raise $50 billion in capital in order to meet Basel III and future lawsuit obligations, or Bank of America's book value is inflated by up to  $ 200 billion or Bank of America has untold sovereign  risk exposure in Europe. Sometimes analysts even use  misleading phrase like "Bank of America only has $65 billion in equity left", as if share price has any impact on Bank of America's ability to continue operating. I could go on and on, but you get the picture. I am going to go through four of these unfounded fears, and disprove them. I will be using publicly available information obtained from Bank of America's most recent
Fear 1: Bank of America Needs to Raise More Capital
This is not true. A few weeks ago I wrote an article outlining how Bank of America does not need any more Tier 1 common capital. In this article I assume a worst case scenario of a complete and immediate write down of all 30 day past due loans (with no recovery rates, cure rates etc.). Needless to say, even with the immediate write-down, and all the provisions for lawsuits and loan buybacks Bank of America would fall in line easily with Basel III requirements.
Why are the analysts saying that they will need   50$ billion in capita As reported By barrons
The math they came to get BAC to Basel I T1C in line with C they need about $40-$50bn.
It is ridiculous that this analyst is making one-sided statements that Bank of America will need to raise capital because Citigroup  has will have a 8-9% Tier 1 ratio years before it is required. Big banks will not need to have that high of a ratio for years. The analyst is also disregarding the huge amount of non-core assets on Bank of America's balance sheet, which could easily be sold, and reduce risk weighted capital, while increasing Tier 1 capital.
Fear 2: Bank of America's Book Value is Overstated by $100-200 Billion
According to Bank of America's 10-Q, Tangible Book Value is around $12.65 a share. This is excluding intangible assets such as goodwill. I guess ZeroHedge, and has-been trader/criminal, Henry Bloget, know more than Bank of America's auditors and management.
Fear 3: Bank of America Has Huge Sovereign Exposure to the PIIGS
Again, lets go into Bank of America's 10-Q and get the facts, not conjectures and theories based on emotions and opinions. Page 106 shows that total sovereign exposure is a mere $119 million (after applying CDS that Bank of America bought to protect itself from losses).
Fear 4: Bank of America's CDS are at 395 bps Bankruptcy is Days Away.
I don't know if the CDS spike is due to the stock price decline or vice versa, but Bank of America is not going bankrupt anytime soon. According to its 10-Q, Bank of America has cash and cash equivalents equal to $119 billion, $20 billion in liquid short term investments, and trading assets outnumber trading liabilities by around $75 billion. To top it off, Bank of America has enough cash to pay off all of its short-term debt today, and still service it's long-term debt.
I am not saying there is no risk associated with Bank of America. Check my research, and make your own decision. This stock is ruled by headlines and fear, plain and simple. Analysts keep saying that the market believes they need to raise more capital, but the market is not always right. I think that it is quite possible for BAC to drop to $5/share in the short term, but it is a great long-term investment for a brave value investor. Stop listening to the headlines and fearmongers, don't follow the herd, do the research, and make your own decision.

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Journalism and Mass Communication | The Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Journalism and Mass Communication | The Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Future Technology Book Launch --- https://innovationsolutionlabs.blogspot.com

Future Technology Book Launch --- https://innovationsolutionlabs.blogspot.com

Donate Online to 250+ NGOs.

Donate Online to 250+ NGOs.

MARKET CRASH -- https://innovationsolutionlabs.blogspot.com

Millions of investors have lost their money in the market in the last few days.

Maybe you're one of them too, I don't know.

But if you give me a few minutes of your time, I'll show you how.

the same market crash is also throwing up amazing, previously non-existent opportunities that could multiply your money safely.

Yes! And that's not all, I'll also give you 3 stocks you could invest in right away to benefit from the low prices that these stocks are selling for currently.

All of these 3 stocks are extremely good, reliable companies... and normally, they would be selling for much more.

But thanks to this market crash, they're available for a fraction of that price right now.

To give you a brief preview of these 3 stocks...
  1. Company A is one that can be taken as the gold standard when it comes to maintaining high cost-efficiency while manufacturing a commodity. The company's lineage and high profit potential due to ever-increasing demand for its commodity make it irresistible for a long term investor.
  2. Company B is in a league of its own when you consider the quality of its management and the track record of shareholder wealth generation. But short term uncertainties for the whole sector have now brought down its share price and made it an extremely attractive buy for value investors.
  3. Company C is an indirect play on India's infrastructure and economic growth prospects, with the least vulnerability to external shocks as most of its business comes from within India. Barring some near-term policy hiccups, there is nothing that could refrain the stock from delivering 100% returns over 3 to 4 years.
And like I said, right now all these stocks are really cheap compared to their real value!

So though we can't guarantee anything in the stock market, if you grab these 3 stocks at their current low prices, there's a high possibility that they could make you at least 100% return in the years to come.

The full details of all these stocks are available in our new special report titled "3 Money-Doubling Stocks to Buy During This Market Crash".

Saturday, August 13, 2011



Ways of Putting your CV online...
In a technology-enabled world, even your resume has to be tailored to find a good job. Most companies prefer receiving job applications via e-mail, as it is convenient, simple and also environment-friendly.

While traditional techniques like sending a properly formatted, professionally written and eye-catching resume printed out from a computer remains relevant, a Web-based format will enhance your possibilities of finding a good job. This format refers to your approach to resume-preparation based on how you want it to be delivered to the recipient. We highlight a few formats you must consider:

Text-based CV (also known as ASCII)
A simple version that can be pasted directly into the body of an e-mail. ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is a code for representing English characters as numbers, with each letter assigned a number from 0 to 127. The format is simplistic and the focus has to be on content. Most computers use ASCII codes to represent text, which makes it possible to transfer data from one computer to another.

As this is a text-based resume, try not to make it flashy. The resume should be readable and any computer system can read a file in this format. The downside is its universal acceptance limits your ability to use graphics and special fonts like italics, etc.

Tip: This format is best suited for non-creative jobs like manufacturing, operations, engineering, technical support, etc.

Scan-able CVThis kind of a resume can be run through a scanner that has character recognition capabilities. The employer can store your resume in their database and search it using key words for any future openings.

Put your name at the top of each page if your resume exceeds one page. Use industry or job-specific keywords so your resume is easily searchable within the database. Some keywords, for instance, could be 'market research', 'sales consultant', 'project manager', 'result oriented', etc. Avoid any graphics or images in this kind of a resume, as it may make scanning difficult.

Tip: This format works best when applying for jobs directly on the company's portal. Your resume gets stored in the company's database, so ease of search must be given the highest priority.

Personal Resume Web site
A very convenient way of sharing (and showing off) your skills, accomplishments and abilities is by creating a personal resume Web site. This doesn't need to be a very complicated site, but it should display your work favourably. It can include articles you have written, artwork and photography you have created, or software you have developed. You can even provide links to reports, papers, studies, brochures, projects, presentations, testimonials, letters of recommendations, any kudos you have received -- from customers, clients, colleagues, past employers, professors, etc. The biggest advantage is having your resume available 24/7 to all potential employers.

A number of sites host Web pages. To find some, try Free Web Space.

Tip: This format is best suited for creative professionals like Web site designers, animation and design professionals, etc.

CD PortfolioA digital copy of your portfolio can easily be burnt on to a CD that can be used in the CD-ROM drive of a potential employer. A CD can easily fit into your briefcase or bag and you will have a resume that will be on the move with you. Moreover, you will not have to struggle with carrying around a tremendous, oversized binder, or a huge case filled with your samples.

Tip: This format works best if you are an artist, photographer, fashion designer, model, etc and you need to demonstrate a portfolio or body of work to a prospective employer or client.

Word or PDF attachmentIf you want to e-mail a fancier version of your resume to an employer by attaching a Word document or Acrobat PDF file, go right ahead. Just make sure the file is of a reasonable size (100K or less) and you still include the plain-text version in the body of your e-mail, just in case your recipient can't open or print the attachment. In case of a PDF file, make sure the font size is a minimum of 14 or readability will take a backseat.

Tip: The benefit of this resume is it is highly compatible and consistent in appearance across platforms, though difficult to place directly into databases. Check out Web-based resumes of Alex Bischoff, a freelance designer.

An online friendly resume will project you as a candidate who takes initiative, is tech savvy and has relevant skills. It will also open multiple doors for you in an extremely competitive job market.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

CAREER IN HACKING & FORENSIC SCIENCE ---https://innovationsolutionlabs.blogspot.com

                                                          ETHICAL HACKING

The boom in computer and internet technology in India and abroad has led to large scale conversion of data into digital modes. This has led to a huge increase in the number of ethical hackers both in public sectors and the corporate world. This need has risen mainly out of the need for security and confidentiality of data in every field that will help save the information from criminal hackers. Criminal hackers make it their life’s mission to get their hands on private and confidential information and as a result every corporation is ready to invest in professional ethical hackers who can disrupt attempts at stealing information.
Ethical hackers are known to have the skill and ability to secure all the confidential matters of an organization and also track its location. This job is one of the most exciting and thrilling fields in the world of IT. As a result many courses offering ethical hacking are now available in India.
The courses in ethical hacking are known to include practical security training, certification training, compliance training, online professional development training and IT audit & project management training, etc. There are also some very lucrative training programmes such as web defenses, licensed penetration tester, cyber forensics and certified ethical hacker.
Basically the demand for these courses and experts in ethical hacking has come from the urgent need for internet security and web development business for all organizations that are inclined towards using the digital world as a platform for storage of information. With laws getting stringent with criminal hacking and the focused need for privacy of information ethical hackers have a good platform for a successful career. Whether it is a credit card distributing company or a cell-phone connection providing company or even a company that deals with B2B products everyone needs to safeguard their client database and an ethical hacker can do just that for them.

If an itch to get to the truth of an event drives your passion, if you have felt the need to understand what can help catch the criminal infesting the society around you and if you have the interest in investigating your way through an incident then the world of forensic sciences will welcome you with open arms.
The field of forensics is the sector where one can apply all the scientific methods and principles to get to the truth of any criminal or civil action that is of interest to the legal system. A forensics expert in a laboratory can help put all clues together collected at a crime scene and help create a strong case with evidences that can be presented in the court of law.
Physical evidences like blood, other body fluids, hair, finger prints, foot prints, impression of tyres and shoes, bullet cases or other weapon used, etc in a crime scene can be used by the forensics to build the much needed evidence against a crime. One can also use forensics to determine handwriting and signatures in civil crimes.
In India, a forensic scientist will be working closely with various crime solving agencies such as the police, CBI, CID, etc. In many cases the law has been able to nail the criminal and bring justice to the victims due to the right efforts of a forensic expert.

This field requires grit and determination to bring to task the criminals and most importantly right academic background. Forensic Sciences is basically a post graduate course and can be pursued by any body with a graduation in arts or science. Though of course a science background is preferred and if one is interested in jobs that include post mortem analysis of dead bodies then an MBBS degree is a must before going in for post graduation in forensics.

Many institutes in India offer courses in forensics and with growing technology the crime rate has increased but very importantly it has also helped catch more number of criminals as criminal cases can be cracked with better precision. This job is highly adventurous and brings with the satisfaction of bringing justice to the victims who deserve it.